A Whole Lot of People Watch YouTube ⇒

{% blockquote http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/youtube-the-future-of-entertainment-is-on-the-web/2012/01/12/gIQADpdBuP_story.html The Washington Post %} YouTube announced in December that it logged 1 trillion hits in 2011 and is anticipating an even bigger year ahead as more politicians and newsmakers turn to the site to distribute Web ads, speeches and weekly video casts. On Thursday, Kyncl said all of the entertainment industry should be paying attention to Web video, predicting that soon 90 percent of Web traffic will be video. {% endblockquote %}

If the Internet were a pizza, there’d only be half of a half of a slice with the oil dabbed off reserved for people who don’t watch video.

We should probably take this video thing seriously.