Dargis, Scott & Hoberman In Conversation ⇒

{% blockquote -J. Hoberman http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/movies/j-hoberman-talks-about-village-voice-and-film-culture.html The New York Times %} To the degree I thought about my role, I saw myself as a journalist (reporting on movies people might not otherwise know about) and as someone contributing to something I’d call, after Jonas [Mekas’s] magazine, “film culture.” On succeeding Sarris as lead critic in 1988 I continued what I saw as a Voice tradition — emphasizing work I felt significant, regardless of its commercial clout or mass appeal. {% endblockquote %}

If you’ve ever had a passing interest in film criticism, this article is for you. Hoberman’s insight, as well as A.O. Scott and Manohla Dargis’s, on the form is always a fun read.