Add (Mostly) Universal Search to Ulysses III with an Alfred 2 Workflow

As I mentioned in my review, universal search is not currently implemented in Ulysses III. I’ve got an Alfred Workflow that picks up the slack on that front until The Soulmen ship an update. It allows for full text, sheet and group name search. Here’s what it looks like:

Ulysses Search in Alfred

Type uly and your query, then pick your group or sheet and it will open in Ulysses. Easy peasy.

Note that this will only search sheets and groups stored in iCloud or On My Mac. Daedalus documents are stored as text documents with a hash for a title, so the results look (in a word) crazy.1 External documents are external; deal with them externally.

**Bonus:** This Alfred workflow adds a File Action for opening Text and RTF documents in Ulysses. When triggered, it will import the document to your Inbox, and even convert the rich text to Markdown for you. Neato.

Download Search Ulysses 3.alfredworkflow

  1. Worse: if you were to open a text document in Ulysses, it wouldn’t take you to what you’re looking for, just import the document again to your Inbox. ↩︎